The MPC-series combines the integrated design of our MPX-series with the flexibility of fluorescence microscopes.
It utilizes the Evident® (Olympus) fluorescence illuminator, which allows the users to add various parts from the Evident® (Olympus) universe, e.g. tube lens or filter wheels.
- Highly customizable
- 3-Photon and THG-ready
- Fully custom-designed laser scanning optics, achromatically compensated from 680nm to 1700nm, covering the full range of Ti:Sapphire lasers, fiber lasers as well as OPO/OPA/OPCPA systems up to 1700nm.
- Up to 4 ultra sensitive GaAsP PMTs with low dark count rate in epi or transmisson
- Compatible with Evident (Olympus) epi-fluorescence OEM products
- Open frame for later upgrades
- Optimized fluorescence detection through large collection angle and 2“ optics
The MPC scan optics is fully custom designed and covers the entire range from 680nm to 1750nm. It is therefore well suited for 2P, 3P and 4P, as well as label free SHG, THG, CARS, SRS and FLIM imaging.
The MPC is compatible to all Prospective Instruments FSX ultrafast lasers, as well as suitable laser models from all other major ultrafast laser manufacturers.
(I) Multiphoton fluorescence imaging
0.3 fps at 2048 x 2048 pixels
Pixel dwell time: 0.8 to 32 µs
(8 kHz resonant galvo CRS8K)
Pixel dwell time: 44 ns
Multiphoton signal detection
(II) Modality: widefield fluorescence imaging
Download full specification
Broad range of applications
- 2D/3D/4D imaging
- In-vitro & in-vivo
- Whole slide imaging
- Label-free & IHC/ICC
- Non-destructive
- Deep tissue imaging
Pathology & Cancer
Tissue Engineering & Bioprinting
Our software allows for the collection of more reliable data in less time. Our Windows 10 scripts are customized to automate workflows and integrate external image analysis programmes.
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Prospective Instruments LK OG Bildgasse 18,6850 Dornbirn,
Partners of myclimate.org and
Climate Neutrality Alliance 2025.