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Improved research methods, new discoveries – the broad field of life science is changing constantly. As an interdisciplinary and comprehensive field of science life science provides a platform to combine various scientific disciplines. The challenge in the life science area is to address all these interfaces while at the same time maintaining the core disciplines. Hereby imaging techniques provide a straight forward but fundamental benefit and relevance.

‍Our goal is it to address multiple areas of interests in the field of life science with only one device and thus unlock the possibility of flexibility and multimodality:  from subcellular structures up to large and complex tissue.  We combine multimodal imaging ranging from classical Epi-fluorescence up to multi-photon and higher harmonic microscopy with the flexibility of a free-moving scanhead allowing users to operate almost unlimited in the fields of life science.

‍In our image gallery you will find some of the possible application areas that can be explored with our device:

  • Imaging of 2D and 3D cell culture and organoids
  • Deep tissue imaging
  • Label-free imaging
  • Immunohistochemistry / immunocytochemistry imaging

Broad range of applications

  • 2D/3D/4D imaging
  • In-vitro & in-vivo
  • Whole slide imaging
  • Label-free & IHC/ICC
  • Non-destructive
  • Deep tissue imaging
  • Pathology & Cancer

  • Neuroscience

  • Optogenetics

  • Tissue Engineering & Bioprinting

  • Spheroids/Organoids


MULTI-PHOTON - Z-stack of 3D nano-printed scaffold imitating native lung tissue (20x, 0.75 NA, FOV 600 µm; stepsize 3 µm) - overlay of 2P-460 nm (Hoechst, blue), 2P-542nm (Rose Bengal, green) & 2P-595 nm (Phalloidin-ATTO-490LS, red). Sample: HM Munich

MULTI-PHOTON - Swine olfactory epithelium (20x, 0.75 NA, FOV: 16.1 x 3.7 mm); cell nuclei stained with DAPI and NOGO-A stained with RhodamineRedX. Overlay of 2P-460 nm (green), SHG-520nm (green) and 2P-595 nm (red). Sample: HBC Biberach

MULTI-PHOTON - Living human epithelial cells (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 90 x 150 µm) - 2P-460 nm (Hoechst/red) & 2P-595 nm (Spirochrome SPY555-tubulin/green). Sample: VIVIT, Dornbirn

MULTI-PHOTON - Time lapse of human epithelial cells (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 665 µm) - Overlay of 2P-460 nm (Hoechst, blue) & 2P-595 nm (SPY555-tubulin, green). DLD1 cells grew in ibidi 8-Well Slide for 1 day. Sample: VIVIT

MULTI-PHOTON - cellular spheroids (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 80 µm) - overlay of 2P-460 nm (Hoechst, grey) & 2P-595 nm (Spirochrome SPY555-tubulin, orange). DLD1 cells grew in an ibidi 8-Well Slide for 1 day; Sample: VIVIT, Dornbirn

MULTI-PHOTON - dividing cell embedded in gel with fluorescent beads (60x, 1.4 NA, z-stack: stepsize 0.2 µm) - 542 nm (green) 595 nm (yellow) & 700 nm (red). Staining: cell nuclei w/ mCherry, actin w/ Atto490LS & green-fluorescent beads. Sample: LMU München

WIDEFIELD - DAPI-stained mouse head (sagittal plane; 4x, 0.2 NA) - overlay of 395/432 nm (blue), 475/515 nm (green), 637/682 nm (red). Sample: University of Applied Sciences Biberach

MULTI-PHOTON - ZEBRAFISH Contact us for more details; Sample: Univeristy of Zurich

MULTI-PHOTON - ZEBRAFISH Contact us for more details; Sample: Univeristy of Zurich


LIGHT SHEET - Maximum intensity projection of unlabeled honey bee (0.63x, 0.15 NA, FOV 21 x 21 mm) - excitation at 488 nm (blue); clearing: BABB over 2 weeks.

LIGHT SHEET - Z-stack of unlabeled honey bee (0.63x, 0.15 NA, FOV 21 x 21 mm) - excitation at 488 nm (blue); clearing: BABB over 2 weeks.

LIGHT SHEET - Maximum intensity projection of unlabeled, unknown mushroom (1x, 0.15 NA, FOV 10 x 12 mm) - autofluorescence 488 nm (blue); clearing: BABB.

LIGHT SHEET - Animation of unlabeled, unknown mushroom (1x, 0.15 NA, FOV 10 x 12 mm) - autofluorescence 488 nm (blue); z-stack: step size 5 µm over 7.7 mm in depth; clearing: BABB.

LIGHT SHEET - Z-stack of unstained chicken embryo E8 (age: 8 d; 1x, 0.15 NA, FOV 10x10 mm) - autofluorescence 488 nm (blue); z-stack: step size 5 µm over 9.8 mm in depth; BABB cleared. Sample kindly provided by M. Schaettin (University of Zürich).


MULTI-PHOTON - Z-stack of healthy mouse skin section stained with SiR-DNA (16x, 0.8 NA, FOV 300 µm) - 2P-700 nm (red), SHG-515 nm (green), z-stack: 300 µm depth with 1 µm step size.

MULTI-PHOTON - Animation of healthy mouse skin section stained with SiR-DNA (16x, 0.8 NA, FOV 300 µm) - 2P-700 nm (red), SHG-515 nm (green).


WIDEFIELD - DAPI-stained mouse head (sagittal plane; 4x, 0.2 NA) - overlay of 395/432 nm (blue), 475/515 nm (green), 637/682 nm (red). Sample: University of Applied Sciences Biberach

MULTI-PHOTON - DAPI-stained healthy mouse knee cryosection (25x, NA 1.0, 700 μm) - overlay of 2P-460 nm (blue), SHG-515 (green) and 2P-542 nm (red). Sample kindly provided by B. Hartmann, CANTER lab & Hochschule München

MULTI-PHOTON - Z-stack image of an unstained healthy mouse knee cryosection, 16x, 0.8 NA, 600 µm, SHG-520 nm (blue), 2P-542 nm (green), 2P-700 nm (red).

MULTI-PHOTON - Unstained healthy mouse knee cryosection,16x, NA 0.8, 900 µm, SHG- 520 nm and 2P-595 nm

MULTI-PHOTON - Unstained healthy mouse knee cryosection,16x, NA 0.8, 300 µm, SHG- 520 nm and 2P-595 nm

MULTI-PHOTON - Z-stack of unstained mouse knee cryosection (16x, NA 0.8, FOV 900 µm) - SHG-520 nm

MULTI-PHOTON - Unstained healthy mouse tail cryosection - 16x, NA 0.8, FOV 600 µm - SHG-520 nm (green) and 2P-595 (red)


MULTI-PHOTON - Stained healthy neural tissue cryosection, 16x, NA 0.8


MULTI-PHOTON - Proof of concept for artificial artery (SHG-515 nm, 900 µm, z-stack: 500 µm depth with 10 µm step size). Image kindly provided by D. Bastl (superv. by Dr. S. Sudhop), CANTER lab & Hochschule München.


WIDEFIELD - Stitched single-photon image of an unstained healthy mouse spleen cryosection (16x, 0.8 NA, 10.3 x 6.7 mm) - overlay of 432 nm (blue), 515 nm (green) and 595 nm (red).


MULTI-PHOTON - Z-stack of 3D nano-printed scaffold imitating native lung tissue (20x, 0.75 NA, FOV 600 µm; stepsize 3 µm) - overlay of 2P-460 nm (Hoechst, blue), 2P-542nm (Rose Bengal, green) & 2P-595 nm (Phalloidin-ATTO-490LS, red). Sample: HM Munich

MULTI-PHOTON - Swine olfactory epithelium (20x, 0.75 NA, FOV: 16.1 x 3.7 mm); cell nuclei stained with DAPI and NOGO-A stained with RhodamineRedX. Overlay of 2P-460 nm (green), SHG-520nm (green) and 2P-595 nm (red). Sample: HBC Biberach

MULTI-PHOTON - Healthy FA-fixed swine epithel cryosection (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 60 x 40 µm, pixel size: 0.078 µm, z-stack: stepsize 0.3 µm) stained with Hoechst 460 nm (blue). Sample: HBC Biberach.

MULTI-PHOTON - Z-stack of healthy FA-fixed swine epithel cryosection (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 60 x 40 µm, pixel size: 0.078 µm, z-stack: stepsize 0.3 µm) stained with Hoechst 460 nm (blue). Sample: HBC Biberach.

WIDEFIELD - Stitched image of unstained healthy human lung cryosection (16x, 0.8 NA, 11.3 x 7 mm) - overlay of 432 nm (blue), 515 nm (green) and 681 nm (red).

WIDEFIELD - Stitched image of a healthy mouse lung, 16 x 0.8 NA


MULTI-PHOTON - Cross section of healthy FA-fixed mouse colon stained with Hoechst imaged from the whole organ (16x, 0.8 NA, FOV 2.7 x 3.8 mm, pixel size: 0.32 µm) - overlay of Hoechst 460 nm (blue), SHG-515 nm (green), autofluorescence 595 nm (red).

MULTI-PHOTON - Z-stack of healthy unstained FA-fixed mouse colon (16x, 0.8 NA, FOV 570 µm) - SHG-515 nm (blue), 2P-542 nm (green) and 2P-700 nm (red); z-stack: step size 5 µm over 230 µm in depth.


MULTI-PHOTON - Unstained human prostate (40x, NA 0.95, FOV 143 µm) - SHG-515 nm (magenta), 2P-542 (blue), 2P-625 (green) and 2P-700 (red)

MULTI-PHOTON - Unstained healthy fresh swine kidney (16x, 0.8 NA, FOV 300 µm) - SHG-515 nm (blue), 2P-542 nm (green) and 2P-700 nm (red).

MULTI-PHOTON - Unstained healthy fresh swine kidney (16x, 0.8 NA, FOV 300 µm) - SHG-515 nm (blue), 2P-542 nm (green) and 2P-700 nm (red).

MULTI-PHOTON - Unstained healthy fresh swine kidney (16x, 0.8 NA, FOV 300 µm) - SHG-515 nm (blue), 2P-542 nm (green) and 2P-700 nm (red).


MULTI-PHOTON - Z-stack image of a sunflower pollen. You can clearly see all the details of the pollen.


MULTI-PHOTON - Living human epithelial cells (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 90 x 150 µm) - 2P-460 nm (Hoechst/red) & 2P-595 nm (Spirochrome SPY555-tubulin/green). Sample: VIVIT, Dornbirn

MULTI-PHOTON - Time lapse of human epithelial cells (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 665 µm) - Overlay of 2P-460 nm (Hoechst, blue) & 2P-595 nm (SPY555-tubulin, green). DLD1 cells grew in ibidi 8-Well Slide for 1 day. Sample: VIVIT

MULTI-PHOTON - 3d projection of human epithelial cells (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 665 µm) - Overlay of 2P-460 nm (Hoechst, blue) & 2P-595 nm (SPY555-tubulin, green). DLD1 cells grew in ibidi 8-Well Slide for 1 day. Sample: VIVIT

MULTI-PHOTON - cellular spheroids (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 80 µm) - overlay of 2P-460 nm (Hoechst, grey) & 2P-595 nm (Spirochrome SPY555-tubulin, orange). DLD1 cells grew in an ibidi 8-Well Slide for 1 day; Sample: VIVIT, Dornbirn

MULTI-PHOTON - dividing cell embedded in gel with fluorescent beads (60x, 1.4 NA, z-stack: stepsize 0.2 µm) - 542 nm (green) 595 nm (yellow) & 700 nm (red). Staining: cell nuclei w/ mCherry, actin w/ Atto490LS & green-fluorescent beads. Sample: LMU München

MULTI-PHOTON - ICC-stained prim. cells from porcine olfactory epithelium (60x, 1.4NA, FOV 80µm, pxsize: 0.078µm). Staining: DAPI - cell nuclei, AF488 - acetyl ß-tubulin. 460nm (blue) & 542nm (red); z-stack: step sz 0.1µm, depth 2.6µm; S: HBC Biberach

MULTI-PHOTON - ICC-stained primary cells from porcine olfactory epithelium (60x, 1.4NA, FOV 80µm, px size: 0.078µm). Staining: DAPI - cell nuclei, AF488 - acetylated ß-tubulin. 460nm (blue) & 542nm (red); z-stack: stepsize 0.1µm; Sample: HBC Biberach

MULTI-PHOTON - ICC-stained primary cells from porcine olfactory epithelium (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 160 µm, px size: 0.078 µm); Staining: DAPI - cell nuclei (460nm, blue); AF488 - ZO-1 (542nm, green); AF647 - E-Cadherin (700nm, red). Sample: HBC Biberach

MULTI-PHOTON - Stained mouse fibroblasts (60x, 1.4 NA, FOV 160 µm) - 460 nm (blue), 542 nm (green) & 595 nm (red). Staining: DAPI - cell nuclei; Alexa Fluor 488 - microtubuli; Lifeact-RFP - actin filaments. Sample: University Konstanz.

WIDEFIELD - Stained mouse fibroblast (100x, 1.4 NA, FOV 135 µm) - 432 nm (blue), 515 nm (green) & 595 nm (red). Staining: DAPI - cell nucleus; Alexa Fluor 488 - microtubuli & Lifeact-RFP - actin filaments. Sample: University Konstanz.

WIDEFIELD - Stained mouse fibroblasts (60x, 0.8 NA, FOV 130 µm) – 432 nm (blue) and 681 nm (red). DAPI stained cell nucleus; HiLyte647 stained microtubuli

WIDEFIELD - Stained mouse fibroblasts (60x, 0.8 NA, FOV 90 µm) – 432 nm (blue) and 681 nm (red). DAPI stained cell nucleus; HiLyte647 stained microtubuli

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