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About us

A start-up located in Dornbirn, Austria, and Regensdorf, Switzerland. Founded by Dr. Lukas Krainer it started operations in 2019.

Our main goal is it to provide the research and clinical community with a turn-key, flexible, modular and highly compact multimodal imaging platform.


High level microscopy should not be limited to those with technical knowledge, indoor working space or budget. We want to provide access to multimodality at its best combined with a turn-key, compact and flexible device. Every researcher, scientist and clinician should profit from high quality standard, product readiness and revolutionizing product design.


Vladimir Mikhailov, CTO

Professional laser engineer with 13+ years of experience in developing, optimizing and troubleshooting complex laser systems.


100% renewables

We strongly believe that everyone has to take on responsibility for our environment. This is why we try to set an example and do our part in taking care of the world we live in. Currently, all our company operations are running 100% on renewable energies and our trips to clients and events are being CO2 compensated. To achieve climate neutrality as soon as possible we joined forces with Climate Neutrality Alliance 2025 and in January 2021.

User first

We design products that focus on the users needs. Every single design decision is based on this principle.


Our microscopes are designed to be very flexible and adaptable to support your work in the most effective way.


Everyone should have access to the high quality microscopes they need to push their research further.


We put the environment first. No large cooling units or energy consumption, saving significant cost.

Get a quote

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Just fill out the form and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.

    Prospective Instruments LK OG Bildgasse 18,6850 Dornbirn,

    Partners of and
    Climate Neutrality Alliance 2025.

    Prospective Instruments 2025 ©